Thank you for the privilege of reading, reviewing and promoting your book ‘Elisabet’s Will’.
Keep in mind, it is my job to draw the readers into your story so they will buy your book.
My reviews are typically long, because I can use the total review within our promotional avenues. You might need to shorten it to place on your Amazon Book Page as an Editorial Review. I think they allow 500 words.
My review is a Professional/Editorial Review, I can accept your input. Once you approve my review and/or tell me the changes that you desire, I will promote your book with my review and send you a ‘Promotional Report’, when the work is done.
I have attached my book review in a Word Doc for easy editing. Please tell me if you make any changes to my review.
I have attached your 5 Star Book Photo Group to use as you choose.
I will begin the ‘Promotion’ once we agree on the review.

Fives Stars For Elisabet’s Will by Sandra Sperling
5 Stars: Family drama entwined with mystery and suspense.